dj jonny moirée continues rocking the mash-up bangwagon, and bringing you another hearty helping of mashed bangers—the best banging tracks, all mashed up in jonny's big beats blender. chunky electro with sweaty r'n'b, slick synthpop with punky pop. mashed bangers volume 2 pulverizes jonny's first volume of mashed bangers hands down—67 songs from 45 different artists crammed into 23 tracks spanning 80 minutes. can you handle it?

- Drop It Like It's A Whole Lott [Led Zeppelin/Snoop Dogg]
- We Need a Filthy War [Fischerspooner/Scissor Sisters/Chemical Brothers/Pet Shop Boys/Culture Club/Edwinn Star]
- Sunglasses Told Me [Cory Hart/The Killers]
- Do You Want To Just a Little [Franz Ferdinand/Liberty X]
- I LIke the Way Jenny Scrubs [Bodyrockers/Jennifer Lopez/TLC/Missy Elliott]
- Bootie Wonderland [Miss Kitten/Midnight Star/Earth, Wind & Fire]
- Juicebox Rock [Peaches/The Strokes/The Munsters]
- Somebody Rock Me [The Clash/The Killers]
- Don't Mess with Orgamatron [Eurythmics/Avenue D/Mousee T/Anthony Rother]
- Work it Harder [Betters, Faster, Stronger] [Daft Punk/Missy Elliott]
- Wiseice [Wiseguys/Vanilla Ice]
- Radio Hollaback [The Clash/Gwen Stefani]
- Don't Cha [Wish Your Robot Could Rock Like Me] [Pussycat Dolls/Daft Punk]
- Robbie Over Jacko Under Pressure [Robbie Williams/Michael Jackson/Queen]
- Another One Bites Da Funk [Daft Punk/Queen]
- Lose Your Bach Ke [Eminem/Punjabi MC]
- Funkystrangecome [Depeche Mode/Ina Kamoze]
- Somebody Kill Me [Adamski/The Killers/Basement Jaxx]
- Sweet Dreams Without Me [Eminem/Eurythmics]
- Greenday Massacre [Green Day/Eagles/Depeche Mode/Nelly/Beatles/Talking Heads]
- Let It Be Me [Beatles/Shaggy]
- No One Takes Your Freedom [Scissor Sisters/Beatles/George Michael/Aretha Franklin]
- Boulevard of Broken Songs [Green Day/Oasis/Travis/Eminem/Aerosmith]
props to all of the original mashup bootleggers, including party ben, dj earworm, team9, go home productions. dj clumsy, dj bmc, bass211, dean gray and the rest!